
Monday 30 March 2015

Meeting Manaikalani Schools

The first thing we did was to get on the bus to take us to Point England beach. We were with room1 and room8. Then Kolio and room8 sang wheels on the bus.

When we arrived there, I saw lots of students. Then we walked to the shore. 
Next, we waited for everyone to be settled and also for the waka to come. When the waka came everyone was quiet. Then a lady spoke in Maori, to welcome them.

After that someone blew the horn. The students in front of us did the haka, because the people from the waka was approaching the shore. Some of us sang the haka song.

Then we sang He Honore. When we finished singing, someone said a speech. Then we sang Nga waka song.

After that, a lady told Miss Chao that we are going to high five the crew. A lady and I did a fist bump. I was laughing.

 We walked to our bus. Rooms1, 8 and my class waited for our bus, while the others went back to school in their bus. We waited for a long time for our bus to come.

Finally our bus came to take us back to school. When we got back, we ate morning tea.

It was an awesome day!! 

Monday 23 March 2015

Room 5l's favourite sport

We found out that Room 5L's, favourite sport is Ice skating. 7 children likes Ice skating.We found out that Room 5L's less favourite sport is Golf and Rugby.Only 2 children like these sports.

Saint Patrick Day

Hurray!! Yesterday we celebrated Saint Patricks Day!!

First Mrs. Bullot put us in groups. My leader was Anna and I was in  Tipperary group.

Next we went to our activity. Our game was to hold the tennis ball and get a tiny hoop and throw it in the cone. If it get's in the cone you get a point.    

Then Isaac rang the bell, so we had to move to our next game. It  was to hold, a ball and run around the cone and back. Isaac rang the bell again, so  we had to move. We played lot and lots of games.

Our last game was with Miss Chao. We all sat down and waited for Mrs. Bullot to say the winning team. The winning team was Limericks.

Mrs. Bullot and the teachers gave all of us ice blocks. Then room7 said the lunch prayer. We went to class and grab our lunch and ate

I love Saint Patricks Day do you?

Tuesday 17 March 2015

My Favorite Fruit

                                                         My Favourite Fruit
Image result for mangoes
How many of you like mangoes?My favourite fruit is mangoes. It is yellow,red and gold. Mangoes has a huge stone inside.

Mangoes are my favorite fruit because it is tasty and juicy. It is an shape of an oval. It is my favorite fruit because it has my favorite colours, red and yellow. 
The mangoes I eat are the Aussie mangoes.

I love Aussie mangoes because it is delicious. 

Monday 16 March 2015

School Holidays

                       School Holidays

Have you been to One Tree Hill?

During the holiday I went to One Tree Hill with my dad and brother. We had a family gathering. 

We waited until everyone arrived because we can't start with out our family. When they arrived, all the food was cooked so we started to eat. I was hanging with my cousin Nunga. 

I went for a walk with all my cousins and my brother Lasike. Next we played tag with my uncle Ringo. I asked my dad if I can get my ball from the car, so we can play. 

Then we played catch. My cousin Nina is very good in catching the ball. Finally we went home and had a sleep because we were exhausted.

I had fun at the family gathering. 

Friday 13 March 2015

The Beach

Image result for beachOne hot day my mums Cook Island friends and my family went to Bucklands beach. When we arrived Lasike and the boys ran and jumped into the water.

 I changed into my swim suit then I jumped into the water with my friend Angel. I was holding my friend Tai's shoulder. But Tai went under the water and I nearly drown so Tai carried me up.

 Tai put me on Tua's back. Tua carried me up and chucked me down in the water. I almost drowned but I landed on my feet. 

Then we had a competition on who makes the biggest and loudest splash. Tua came first, Lasike came second and I came last. Then we played piggy back fight in the water.

 Lasike was on Tua's shoulder, I was on Tai's shoulder and Angel was on Frankie's shoulder. 
Lasike came first, I came second and Angel came last. After that we got out of the water. 

Angel was too young to walk with us to the changing room, so she had to change with her mum. I was walking on the grass because the foot path was so hot. When we arrived at the changing room Frankie and I changed together.

 The boys were changing outside. Before we left the changing room I washed my feet on the tap, so I can walk on the path because the grass had prickles. When we arrived at the car Nga drove us to the ice cream shop to get some ice cream. I had cookies and cream flavour. Then we went home. 

I love going to the beach because it is a place that can cool you off.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Playing Tee Golf

Image result for tee golfHurray!! My class and I played Tee Golf.
Every Thursday coach Kannel and assistant Stu showed us skills how to play Tee Golf.

First coach Kannel taught us how to hold the golf club. The rule for holding the golf club is L-hand, R-hand, feet together, L-foot, R-foot and piggy pop.

You have to hold the golf club from the grip.
Next, coach Kannel told us the golden rules, "have fun and be safe". He also told us about courtesy.

Then we had a challenge. The challenge was after we hit the ball with the golf club, put the golf club on your L-shoulder. My team won because we listened and we had thirteen points.

After that we had to shake hands with coach Kannel and say good game or thank you.

I think tee golf is cool because it is fun.

Monday 9 March 2015

Forces in Motion

 This term i have been learning about forces. We did this experiment on how far a car travels when it is on a slope. I learnt that if we used two books the car would travel a short distance and if we used a thick pile of books the car would travel greater distance.