
Tuesday 20 September 2016

YMCA is my favourite pool!

On Saturday the 17th of September, my family and I went to Manukau mall for our family lunch because we didn't have anything else to do. We all travelled to the mall in my dad's Jeep wrangler.
Image result for Swimming pool lue big water slide

After we arrived, I jumped out of the van and went inside straight away with my mum. There was a big empty space in the middle of the mall with activities like bungee jumping, face painting and baby photography.
My father asked me to do a back handspring so he can record it in slow motion. I did a backflip at the same time as my sister Sophia. Then I did a press handstand. Lasike and I got our faces painted. I got a really big Tongan flag on my cheek with a purple butterfly on my eye and my brother got a red writing on his face saying 'Po'uhilas!'. Then my dad took a photo of our faces together.

Afterwards, we all went to the movies and played in the arcade centre. We played ice hockey and my sister won against me, we earned 10 tickets from the game. Then we played a football game. We had to get the golden ball into the centre and if we do, we get a jackpot. Lasike won the golden ball so he got 150 tickets. After a while, we hopped in a machine called the Hurricane and it was really scary.

Then we collected all of our tickets from all the games that we have played and we had a total of 276 tickets. Then we went to the prize box and collected things that we could afford with the tickets. We got 3 smurf sculptures filled with candies and a big box of erasers and pencils. My sister gave us each 2 pencils with 2 erasers because there were six pencils and erasers altogether. Afterwards, we all went to the food court to have lunch because that was the main reason for our visit to the mall. Lasike and I had Burger King, my sister had McDonald's and my parents had some cooked salmon. Then we went home to have a little nap.

Later on, my mum told us to pack our swimming togs, towels and extra dry clothes because she was taking us to the YMCA swimming pool. We travelled there in my mum's Suzuki. After we arrived, I went to the girls' changing room with my mum and my sister to change into our swimming togs. When we were all ready, we hopped into the swimming pool.

I swam all the way to the bottom of the pool and back to the top. Then Lasike and I did a backflip into the pool. Then Lasike, Sophia, My mum and I went to the big blue water slide and I slid down the slide with my mum. It was really dark in the water slide and we ended up in a big, deep swimming pool. I swam to the edge of the pool and used the ladder to pull myself out of the pool. Then we played surfboard and I grabbed a big paddle board and pretended to surf on the blue, clear water. Lasike counted how long I could surf for and my mum won the game.

After an hour, we dried ourselves and changed into our dry clothes. Then we all went home because we were all very tired.

My favourite part was when we slid down the big, blue water slide because it was alot of fun and really exciting.

Learning Intention: We are learning to understand and use the language feature in our writing.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I use action verbs to describe my family day out.

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