
Wednesday, 4 September 2019

You could die within a period of 24 hours if you aren't aware of this disease!

Meningococcal B Information Report
Image result for meningococcal symptoms-Ruby Pouhila

Image result for meningococcal bIf you are in contact with saliva and aren't immunized with Bexsero you may contract a disease that will kill you within a period of 24 hours. By continuously sharing drinks you may digest a disease that may cause your limbs to get amputated. Without your awareness you may be infected with this disease, read this information report if you would like to expand your lifespan and help you prevent this disease.

Meningococcal B is the disease. It is an uncommon but very serious infection caused by the bacteria Neisseria. A person with meningococcal disease can develop inflammation of the membrane around the brain, septicaemia or pneumonia. It strikes and progresses quickly usually without warning.

The symptoms usually start out with a high temperature and a stiff neck. The patient may not like bright lights and will start vomiting. They will feel sleepy and sometimes see red or purple spots or bruises on the skin. There are additional symptoms in babies including cold hands and feet or shivering. They may be floppy or harder to awaken. They could refuse to eat and start crying unusually. There are additional symptoms for adults and older children like headaches and confusion to learning. The patient may have aching muscles and have pain in their joints.

Certain people are at increased risk for meningococcal. Babies and children under 5 are at most risk of getting meningococcal B compared to people in other age groups. But people of any age can develop this disease.

The bacteria that causes meningococcal disease live within the nose and throat. They can be spread through everyday behaviours including coughing and sneezing without covering their mouths and sharing drinks or eating utensils which passes on your saliva. Living in close quarters give the bacteria a chance to move from one place to another. For example, keeping your toothbrush in one small cup gives the bacteria an advantage to move from one brush to the other. Keeping your toothbrushes separated gives the bacteria a disadvantage to jump from one to another because of distance. Kissing! I bet your behind the screen saying "ew!" and showing your friends but doing this action (kissing) can also spread the bacteria from the back of your throat through this motion.

Bexsero is a vaccine that can help protect against meningococcal B. Bexsero is given by injection and the number of doses needed depends on the age of the person being vaccinated. Bexsero is not currently included on the New Zealand National Immunisation Schedule, so to get immunised you may need to suffer a few financial expenses.

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