
Friday, 8 December 2017

Click here to view my description of Polyfest!

  • Polyfest is packed with happy, joyful children and adults.
  • The music coming from the Maori stage sounds very alluring.
  • Watching the performances is like sitting in a cinema watching an action movie.
  • The food smells so delicious, just like being in a cafe that is filled with chocolate.
  • The Polynesian students looks very charming and elegant in their costumes.
  • The bright colours of the students' costumes attracts everyone's attention.
  • The sound of children cheering for their friends and families fills the air with joy.
Learning Intention: We are learning to write a description.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I write seven descriptive sentences to describe the  Polynesian Festival.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Leolupe. I am Billy and I am from the Summer Learning Journey programme. I look forward to blogging with you this summer.

    I am rather impressed with your descriptive writing. I am a teacher and I wish my children would write as well as you! I like how you have used descriptive words relating to each of the senses. I especially like how you have said the music was alluring. What a beautiful word.

    Thanks, Billy


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